dragon award

I have been nominated for a Dragon’s Loyalty Award, by my talented friend of many years, Tosha, whose blog “Everything I Never Told You” never ceases to amaze me,


I’m fairly new to blogging and find myself being constantly challenged. But, I am also constantly amazed by the incredible talents of artists, photographers, writers, and poets on WordPress. I learn from all of you.

The rules are:

*Display the award on your blog

*Announce your win with a post and link the blogger who nominated you.

*Present six deserving bloggers with the award

*Link your awardees in the post

*Write 7 interesting things about you

FACTS: ( uh oh )

1. I am adopted, and, after years of searching for my biological family,     found my first cousins on Facebook

2. Until I was 10 years old, I carried a maroon blanket around with me. Her name was Dolores. I still have no idea how I came up with that name.

3. I’m an only child.  Even to this day, I often feel alone. I am, probably, overly concerned about everyone liking and accepting me.

4. Being a local actress and union member, I have appeared in many feature films, rubbing elbows with Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Tom Hanks. But, my claim to fame was being cast as a crazy bank customer in a low low budget film that was never released.

5. My fashion icon is Diane Keaton. I adore her boldness, her uniqueness, and her incredible talent. My favorite film is Annie Hall and I have used that as my “Username” on the internet for years.

6. I am a vintage clothing junkie. If you see a consignment store or an outdoor market, I am probably there. You must accessorize haha

7. Panic attacks used to control me. Now, I control them…most of the time

My Nominations:

Tosha. Well, she did nominate me. haha Seriously, her talents continue to amaze me. She writes from her soul.


Geetha. Her words and images are as beautiful has she is.


Lisa. She is open, funny, honest and adorable.


Christian. His blogs are fascinating and funny. I love going on his journeys with him


Mopana. Talented and sensitive Romanian ( we share that heritage). Her blogs are varied and always incredible.
